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Make sure you first read the intro to no-code exploration steps

The Summarize step allows you to run aggregate calculations over the data, to group its rows by some field's values, or both at once.

For example: after we narrowed down our Account list down to those who are both active and have more than 5 users, we could use the Summarize step to:

  1. Get the number (Count) of such accounts
  1. Group these accounts by their Payment Plan field
  1. Count these accounts, grouped by the Payment Plan (doing both things at once)

It's even possible to add multiple Aggregations as well as multiple Groupings:

  1. Use multiple Aggregations and Groupings and, for each Payment Plan and Status combination, calculate both the total number of such accounts, as well as get their average user count.

You can also use Slice to only consider a set number of rows (total, or within each group).

Here, we find the Average Number of Users across the 10 oldest accounts in each Payment Plan and Status combination group. Since slicing will select the first N rows, you will want to choose an appropriate sort order: here, to get the 10 oldest ones, we sort by the account's creation time ascending (i.e. oldest first).

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